Sparkling Divas Boutique
Is having a
Fundraiser for Vicki Green with Luna Wolf Mystical Essence.
Unfortunately Vicki Green is currently battling some health issues that have once again landed her into the hospital.
Not only has this taken a toll of her, but also her family and her business.
Not only is Vicki an amazing person but she is also an amazing mother. While she is tied up in the hospital she is on a borrowed laptop so she can still run her business AND fundraisers to help her daughter go to the Presidential Inauguration in Washington DC. She is desperately trying to give her daughter this once in a lifetime gift of education and I’M GOING TO HELP HER!!!!!
Will you help me help her???
Vicki’s daughter, Heather is a 14 year old freshman at Damonte Ranch HS in Reno, NV. The Presidential Inauguration is in January and she will be attending with fellow classmates. They will spend a total of 4 days together in D.C. Learning really cool things about our country. Here are some of the awesome actives that are planned for their trip:
· The Capitol: Seeing the Rotunda and the Senate and House chambers where Congress meets.
· White House: Visiting the most famous house in America - home to our president and the executive branch of our government.
· Lincoln Memorial: Paying tribute to our 16th president and reading his famous Gettysburg Address.
· Arlington National Cemetery: Seeing the Changing of the Guard ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the Eternal Flame at JFK’s gravesite, and the Challenger Memorial.
· Smithsonian Museums: Visiting the many Smithsonian museums located on the Mall in D.C., including the Air and Space Museum and Museum of Natural History .
· Inauguration: Hear our new President take hi s Oath of Office, deliver his Inaugural Address , and see the parade back to the White House.
Any money raised over the amount she still need for the trip will go to Vicki to help her cover medical expenses or anything else she needs.
I have just activated this link for Vicki. 50% of all the sales will go to Vicki and her daughter’s fundraiser.
If you purchase anything from the link below, you will also receive with your order, FREE dipped petals from Luna Wolf. I have purchased these already and they are amazing! You will receive a small bag of dipped petals as my gift to you for helping out Vicki!
Thanks for considering. Please email me if you have any questions or want to hear more about this really great learning opportunity. WorldStrides is the educational travel company organizing our trip and you can check out the Student Center on to see tons of videos, photos, and interviews with other kids who’ve already traveled!
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